Bringing Order V.S Chaos to the Search Process
How often have we been given a job description that has been dated two years prior to the job that the clients need us to fill? Then the business is double or half the size.
While it is a job description, it’s not necessarily what the business needs at that moment. It’s the idea that when we get handed a job description and say, “that’s really nice, thank you” and then turn it over. We need to know why you need this person within your business.
What was found really difficult was bringing something new and innovative to an industry that is set in its ways.
Two or three people have stated that they viewed search as beige. There was nothing in it that brought any life.
With search you need that confidence and that comes from the website, the way that you are structured and the process. People need to know that all of this exists but then going with the beige comment, how do you throw some colour in?
That is the chaos, it’s the order and chaos (Ying & Yang). The fact that we constantly challenge not for the sake of challenging but to make sure we get the right results.
How often have we sat with a client and they have defined what they think they need? Challenging this and digging deeper using success criteria it is discovered that’s not actually what will suit their business.
If you think that the search process is always going to be order, then you don’t totally understand search. No matter how structured you are there are going to be times when it could potentially take a different turn.
It is a people business; people are completely unpredictable. Regardless of the rigor that we put towards the process, adding in the human factor means anything could happen.
On a couple of occasions a client has expressed when they were already down the road of a search and it hadn't been working for them. It is felt that something didn’t happen at the beginning of these searches in order for the client to be clear on what they needed.
It is almost like clients are just having descriptions thrown at them because it isn’t fitting their business.
An empty seat with a job description is where a search firm can go in and take that job description and fill that seat, clients aren’t looking for just that.
Just filling the seat isn’t filling a void in the business and that is where Maxwell Drummond differentiate.